Our families can support us in striving to be good neighbors by assisting to maintain the flow of traffic when picking up and dropping off students. 5th Street is a major thoroughfare through downtown and it presents a danger to have stopped cars in traffic lanes. Cars that are double parked on 5th Street before and after school may be ticketed.

The St. Paul Police Department requests that we remind families that there are safer drop off and pick-up areas on St. Peter Street between the Lowry Building and St. Paul Hotel.

The streets around Rice Park (except 5th Street with the bus stop) are also good places to drop off/pick up your student.

Students are able to access the school via the main lobby doors of the Lowry building on St. Peter Street and Wabasha Street. We appreciate your cooperation to ensure we keep all of our students safe!

Lowry building • 16 West 5th st. St paul, mn

Roy Wilkins Auditorium • 164 West 5th st. St paul, mn

this is your cue.